Forthcoming publications

Corpus linguistics, language education and language learning

Pérez-Paredes, P. & Curry, N. (2024). Exploring epistemological disciplinary boundaries: corpus linguistics methodology and methods across the disciplines. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics. Special Issue on Decision-Making in Selecting, Compiling, Analysing and Reporting on the Use of Corpora in Applied Linguistics Research.

Pérez-Paredes, P. & Curry, N. (2024). Corpus Linguistics and LSP. In Ruth Breeze, Jan Engberg, and Thorsten Roelcke (Eds.) Handbook of Specialized Communication. De Gruyter.

Pérez-Paredes, P., Aguado-Jiménez, P. & Ordoñana Guillamón, C. (2024). Using corpus data to facilitate engagement with mass media texts. In Viana, V. (ed) International perspectives on corpus applications in ELT. Routledge.

Pérez-Paredes, P. & Abad, M. (2024). In Henry Tyine & Stefania Spina (eds.). Applying corpora in teaching and learning Romance languages. John Benjamins.

Pérez-Paredes, P. & Curry, N. (2024) Análisis de Corpus y EFE. Barbara A. Lafford, Lourdes Sánchez-López, Anita Ferreira Cabrera, and Elisabet Arnó Maciá (eds.). In The Routledge Handbook of Spanish for Specific Purposes. Routledge.

Pérez-Paredes, P. & Chambers, A. (2024). Corpora and the learning and teaching of romance languages. In Henry Tyne & Stefania Spina (eds.). Applying corpora in teaching and learning Romance languages. John Benjamins.

Parodi, G., Curry, N. Pérez-Paredes, P. and Brookes, G. (Eds.). (2024). Exploring Multimodality: Corpus Linguistics and Cognition. Bloomsbury.

Pérez-Paredes, P. (2024). Using ChatGPT (twice) to answer one my own undergrad essay titles. In Yang Xu (Ed.) ChatGPT in Focus: A Linguistic Science Perspective. Shanghai Education Publishing House.

Pérez-Paredes, P. & Boulton, A. (2024). Data-driven Learning in and out of the Language Classroom. Cambridge University Press.

Pérez-Paredes, P. (forthcoming). Corpus linguistics and Computer Assisted Language Learning. In Hilary Nesi and Petar Milin (Eds.) International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 3rd Edition. Elsevier.

Pérez-Paredes, P. & Zhang, D.(forthcoming). Mobile dictionaries and apps for vocabulary learning. In (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Technology 2nd Edition. Routledge.

Pérez-Paredes, P. (forthcoming). MALL and Data-driven learning. In The Palgrave Macmillan Encyclopedia of Computer-Assisted Language Learning. Palgrave Macmillan.

Pérez-Paredes, P. & Ordoñana-Guillamón, C. (forthcoming). Types of corpora in Data-driven learning. In The Palgrave Macmillan Encyclopedia of Computer-Assisted Language Learning. Palgrave Macmillan.

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