Research Summary

Research profiles: Google Scholar - ResearchGate - ORCID - ResearcherID - Publons - Scopus - dblp

Most of my research lies within the area of learning analytics and educational data mining, where I often collect contextualized data from interactive learning environments and analyze it in order to provide feedback about how to improve learning and the environment where it occurs.

During my PhD, my research focused on three areas: 1) the implementation of algorithms for behavioral modeling, such as to detect cheating, off-task behaviors or gamification interest 2) the development of visual analytics dashboards for MOOC environments 3) applied machine learning for the prediction of learning outcomes.

During my postdoc, my personal work was focused on 1) conducting large-scale MOOC analytics finding global, regional and cultural trends in vast amounts of data, and 2) applying learning analytics in games to evaluate cognitive and non-cognitive competences through stealth assessment and to provide support to teachers.

Currently, my work is focusing on 1) cyber range environments for realistic cyber security training supported by learning analytics, gamification and adaptive features, and 2) on the use of analytics and artificial intelligence in a) sensor-based assessment, b) game-based assessment, and c) assessment in informal web environments.

Through students and collaborations, I also work in other areas equally exciting including many other topics within the broad area of technology-enhanced learning and applied data science and technology in diverse contexts like remote laboratories, social networks or online advertising.


  • Learning Analytics
  • Cyber Ranges
  • Game-based Learning and Assessment
  • Technology-enhanced Learning
  • Informal Learning Environments/li>
  • Computational Social Science
  • Data Science
  • Cybersecurity


Marta Expósito Ventura

PhD Student (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)

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Daniel A. Jaramillo Morillo

PhD Student (Universidad del Cauca)

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Manuel J. Gómez Moratilla

PhD Student (Universidad de Murcia)

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Sofia Strukova

PhD Student (Universidad de Murcia)

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Mariano Albaladejo González

PhD Student (Universidad de Murcia)

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Rubén Gaspar Marco

BEng Student (Universidad de Murcia)

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Some of the great people I advise

One of the things I enjoy the most as part of the academic career is supervising students and see them grow into independent researchers over the years.

I'm currently part of the CyberDataLab at the University of Murcia. We are constantly offering research opportunities for last year brilliant BEng students and Master students, as well as PhD fellowships. I'm also open to remote supervision and collaborations if you already work in a different institution. Just contact me!