Programming Foundations (University of Murcia)
In this course we teach the foundations of programming using Processing environment.
My teaching experience is mostly centered on computers science foundations, data science and educational technology. I have experience in undergraduate, graduate and online courses across different institutions. I also facilitate frequently seminars, tutorials and workshops on specific technical and research topics. Here are some examples:
In this course we teach the foundations of programming using Processing environment.
In this course we teach the foundations of open education and open educational resources, their applications and open education science. Available in UNED Abierta MOOC platform.
In this course we teach design foundations for technology applied in education. The 2019 materials are Available in this MIT OpenCourseware site
We teach the foundations of Object Oriented Programminig using Java
This course includes both a methodological part teaching foundations of quantitative analysis and a project-based learning part using R.