Past research projects and contracts

Title Funding entity Period Role
Semantic Platform for Training Health Professionals and Citizens based on the Electronic Healthcare Record Fundación Séneca 2011-2015 PI
Semantic HealthNet European Union 2012-2015 External expert
Intelligent tools for linking electronic health records to clinical trial systems (TRIAL-ME) II Ministry for Science and Education 2011-2014 PI
Ontology-based e-Assessment for Accounting Education International Association for Accounting Education and Research 2011-2012 Researcher
Platform for the semantic management of personal training plans NETEX Software Factory 2011 PI
Semantic platform for designing on-demand learning courses Fundación Séneca 2009-2010 PI
Virtual assistant based on Semantic Web Technologies Vocali Sistemas Inteligentes 2008-2010 Researcher
Platform for information and knowledge acquisiton and sharing for networked clinical research communities II MEC 2007-2010 PI
National Thematic Network on Semantic Web

MEC 2006- Researcher
Knowledge-based Prototype for Reasoning based on Clinical Cases IMET 2005-2009 Researcher
Open Source Virtual Campus Platforms: Comparative analysis in the Spanish Universities Spanish Ministry for Science and Education 2008-2009 Researcher
Enhancing Quality Management Processes by using Semantic Web Technologies: Application to Educative Curriculum Management Regional Government of Murcia (TIC Programme) 2008-2010 PI
Web Plataform for Functional Genomics Knowledge Managent guided by Ontologies Regional Government of Murcia (BioCarm Programme) 2007-2010 Researcher
Mucor Circinelloides Genome Secuentiation and Annotation MEC 2007-2009 Researcher
Universal Integration Engine for Advanced Health Applications (MIURAS II) Ministry for Industry, Tourism and Commerce 2008 PI
System based on Ontologies and Semantic Web Services for Interoperability and data exchange between Automobile Safety Information Systems Ministry for Promotion 2006-2009 Researcher
Universal Integration Engine for Health Applications (MIURAS) Ministry for Industry, Tourism and Commerce 2007 PI
GODO: Intelligent Goal Generation for Semantic Web Services Discovery Ministry for Industry, Tourism and Commerce 2007 PI
Platform based on Semantic Web and E-Learning standards to improve selfassessment and autonomous learning in educative settings Seneca Foundation, Regional Research Agency 2007-2008 PI
Technologies for Supporting Diagnosis, Radiodiagnosis and Treatment Assignments in Oncology Regional Government of Murcia 2005-2007 PI
Development of Safe Systems through Requisites and Tools Regional Government of Castilla La Mancha 2005-2007 Researcher
Ontological Platform for the Semantic Management of Electronic Healthcare Records MEC 2004-2007 PI
Telematic System for Orientation, Advice and Resources for Higher Education Students: Present and Future MEC 2006 Researcher
Assessment in E-learning based on Semantic Web and Natural Language Processing technologies Seneca Foundation 2005-2006 PI
Web Application for Cooperative Knowledge Building in Genomics and Proteomics Fundesoco 2005-2006 PI
Knowledge Technologies for Strategical Organizational Planning MEC 2002-2005 Researcher
Technology for Developing Knowledge Web Portals Regional Government of Murcia 2003-2005 Researcher
Intelligent Extraction and Search of Lexical-Semantic patterns in oncological texts Seneca Foundation 2002-2004 Researcher
Internet-based Intelligent Plataform for Knowledge Management in Intensive Care Units Ministry for Science and Technology 2002 Researcher
Intelligent System for On-Board Information Management Ministry for Science and Technology 2002 Researcher
Intelligent System for Flexible Knowledge Management Ministry for Science and Technology 2001 Researcher
Intelligent System for Monitoring, Diagnosis and Information Management in Intensive Care Units Ministry for Science and Technology 2001 Researcher
Intelligent Information Technologies for the metaphoric-metonimic Analysis of Emotions Seneca Foundation 2001-2003 Researcher

  • previous_projects.txt
  • Última modificación: 2016/02/28 09:16
  • (editor externo)