Publicaciones en preparación / Work in progress
- Height and Living Standards in Cuba, 1850-1930. With Javier Moreno-Lázaro.
- Stature, Welfare and Economic Growth in Nineteenth-century Spain. In: Health, Mortality and the Standard of Living in Europe and North American since 1700, ed. by Roderick Floud, Robert Fogel, Bernard Harris, and Sol Chul Hong, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham.
- El trabajo infantil y la estatura en la primera industrialización esapñola, 1840-1930 / Child Labour and Height in Spanish early industrialization, 1840-1930. With Javier Puche-Gil, and José Cañabate-Cabezuelos. In: Tres siglos de trabajo infantil en España / Three Centuries of Child Labour in Spain, ed. by José M. Borrás. Ed. Icaria, Barcelona.
- La brecha rural-urbana de la estatura y el nivel de vida al comienzo de la industrializacion española / The Urban-Rural Differences of Height and the Living Standards at the beginning of Spanish Industrialization. En colaboración con Pedro M. Pérez-Castroviejo, J. Puche-Gil, and J.M. Ramon-Muñoz. In: Historia Social.
- La competitividad de los países del Hemisferio Sur en el mercado mundial de vino / Competitiveness of the southern hemisphere countries in the world wine market. With Francisco J. Medina-Albaladejo and Josep M. Ramon Muñoz.
- Book Review: Moramay López-Alonso, Measuring Up: A History of Living Standards in Mexico, 1850-1950, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 2012. In: América Latina en la Historia Económica
- Book Review: Juan Manuel Cerdá, Condiciones de vida y vitivinicultura. Mendoza, 1870-1950, Bernal, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes Editorial, 2011. In: Historia Agraria.
- Book Review: Roderick Floud, Robert Fogel, Bernard Harris, and Sol Chul Hong, The Changing Body: Health, Nutrition, and Human Development in the Western World since 1700, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2011. In. Revista de Historia Industrial.
- Book Review: Boris Mironov, The Standard of Living and Revolutions in Imperial Russia, 1700-1917, Reino Unido, Routledge, 2012. In. Investigaciones de Historia Económica - Economic History Research.
- en_preparacion_work_in_progress.txt
- Última modificación: 2013/05/12 19:03
- (editor externo)