Recent lectures
- One side James’ Compactness Theorem Topological Methods in Analysis and Optimization. Conference on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Prof. Petar Kenderov. Sofia, Bulgaria June 2013 (Plenary speaker)
- Locally uniformly rotund (F)-norms Seminario de Análisis Matemático. Universidad de Valencia. 14 Octubre de 2013 (Invited talk)
- Variational Compactness First Meeting in Topology and Functional Analysis. Conference on the occassion of the 60th birthday of Prof. J.Kakol. Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Elche, Spain September 2013 (Plenary speaker)
- Compacidad, Optimalidad, Riesgo y Mercados Jornada IMAC en Topología aplicada al Análisis, 15 Julio 2013, Universitat Jaume I (Invited talk)
- Compacidad, Optimizacioón y Riesgo Jornada de Análisis Funcional Almeria-Murcia, 10 de Mayo de 2013. Universidad de Almeria (Invited talk)
- One side James's Compactness Theorem Workshop Functional Analysis Valencia 2013, 3 de Junio de 2013. Conference on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Prof. Andreas Defant. Universidad de Valencia (Plenary speaker)
- Teoria de la especulación XI Encuentro Análisis Funcional Murcia-Valencia, Universidad de Alicante, 15 Noviembre 2012 (Plenary speaker)
- Matemática de los mercados financieros XIII Encuentro Nacional de Estudiantes de Matemáticas, Murcia, 26 Julio 2012 (Plenary speaker)
- A Nonlinear James Compactnes Theorem, VIII Encuentro Análisis Funcional Murcia-Valencia, Alcoi (Alicante), 15 Abril 2011 (Plenary speaker)
- Matemáticas y Finanzas, tiempos para un mestizaje Congreso Clausura Proyecto i-Math, Castro Urdiales (Santander), 19 Septiembre 2011 (Plenary speaker)
- Lebesgue Risk Measures Financial Engineering Summer School, CRM-Afi, Bolsa de Barcelona, 14 Junio 2011 (Invited talk)
- Compactness, Optimization and Risk
Computational and Analytical Mathematics in honour of Jonathan Borwein's 60th Birthday, Vancouver, IRMACS Centre, SFU, 16 Mayo 2011 (Invited talk)
- Optimization and Risk III Alicante-Elche-Limoges Meeting on Optimzation, CIEM Castro Urdiales (Santander), 23 Junio 2011 (Plenary speaker)
- An interplay between Topology, Functional Analysis and Risk Summer Conference on general Topology and its Applications, The City College of New York, 26 Julio 2011 (Plenary speaker)
- Interplay between Functional Analysis Optimality and Risk Viena, 13 July 2010. Analysis, Stochastics, and Applications. A conference in honour of Walter Schachermayer (Plenary speaker)
- The Slice Localization Theorem Functional Analysis Valencia 2010, Conference on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Prof. Manuel Valdivia (Plenary speaker)
- James boundaries in Banach spaces Kent State Informal Analysis Seminar dedicated to the work of Joe Diestel, Kent State University USA, 20 Marzo 2010 (Invited talk)