Research projects
Proyectos vigentes
- "La interacción entre teoría de la medida, topología y análisis funcional", Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. 2012-2014.
- Proyecto 08848/PI/08 de la Fundación Séneca de la CARM: "Medida, Topología, Análisis funcional y sus aplicaciones en finanzas."
Currículum vítae
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- 46. S. Ferrari, L. Oncina, J. Orihuela and M. Raja Metrization theory and the Kadec property*.
Preprint - 45. B.Cascales and J. Orihuela A biased view of topology as a tool in functional analysis.
Recent Progress in Toplogy III, Chapter 3. Atlantis Press, Springer. 2014 - 44. B.Cascales, J. Orihuela and M. Ruiz Galán Compactness, Optimality and Risk.
Computational and Analytical Mathematics. In Honor of Jonathan Borwein's 60th Birthday. Chapter 10 161--218. Springer. 2013 - 43. B. Cascales, J. M. Mira, J. Orihuela and M. Raja Análisis Funcional.
e-LectoLibris y RSME. Colección Textos universitarios-matemáticas. vii+373 páginas.
e-book con problemas resueltos ISBN: 978-84-940688-2-9 (2012).
Versión papel ISBN: 978-84-940688-1-2 (2013). - 42. J. Orihuela On Tp-locally uniformly rotund norms.
Set-Valued and Variational Analysis Theory and Applications. 21 (2013), no. 4, 691-709 - 41. J. Orihuela, R. J. Smith and S. Troyanski Strictly convex norms and topology.
Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 104 (2012) 197–222 - 40. J. Orihuela and M. Ruiz Galán Lebesgue property for convex risk measures on Orlicz spaces.
Mathematics and Financial Eonomics Vol. 6 15-35, (2012) - 39. J. Orihuela and M. Ruiz Galán, A coercive James's weak compactness theorem and nonlinear variational problems.
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, Vol. 75 , 598-611, (2012) - 38. B. Cascales, M- Muñoz and J. Orihuela, The number of K-determination of topological spaces
To appear Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Math. RACSAM (2012), DOI: 10.1007/s13398-012-0058-6. - 37. B. Cascales, J. Orihuela and V. V. Tkachuk, Domination by second countable spaces and the Lindelöf Sigma-property.
Topology Appl. 158 (2011), no. 2, 204–214. - 36. B.Cascales, V. Fonf, J. Orihuela and S. TroyanskiBoundaries of Asplund spaces.
J. Funct. Anal. 259 (2010), no. 6 - 35. J.F. Martínez, A. Moltó, J. Orihuela and S. Troyanski On locally uniformly rotund renormings in C(K) spaces.
Canadian Journal Mathematics Vol. 62 (3) 595-613 (2010) - 34. B. Cascales, J. Orihuela (Guest Editors Special Issue) Open problems in infinite dimensional geometry and topology.
Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Math. RACSAM 104 (2010), no. 2, 199–200, 54-06 (46-06). - 33. J. Orihuela and S. Troyanski, LUR renormings through Deville’s master lemma
Rev. R. Acad. Cien. Serie A. Mat. Vol 103 75-85 (2009) - 32. A. Moltó, J. Orihuela, S. Troyanski and M. Valdivia A nonlinear transfer technique for renorming.
Lecture Notes in Mathematics , Vol. 1951, Springer (2009) - 31. J. Orihuela and S. Troyanski, Deville's master lemma and Stone's discreteness in renorming theory
Journal Convex Analysis Vol. 16 959-972. (2009) - 30. B. Cascales, G. Godefroy, J. Orihuela and R. Phelps (Special Issue), The interplay between measure theory, topology, and functional analysis.
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 350 (2009), no. 2. - 29. B. Cascales, M. Muñoz and J. Orihuela, James boundaries and sigma-fragmented selectors.
Studia Math. 188 no. 2 (2008) 97-122 - 28. J. Orihuela Topological open problems in the geometry of Banach Spaces.
Extracta Mathematicae Vol. 22, N&uactute;m 2, 197-213 (2007) - 27. A. Moltó, J. Orihuela, S. Troyanski and V. Zizler Strictly convex renormings.
Journal of the London Mathematical Society Vol. 75 (2) 647-658 (2007) - 26. R. Haydon, A. Moltó and J. Orihuela Spaces of functions with countably many discontinuities.
Israel Journal of Mathematics Vol. 158 19-39, (2007) - 25. A. Moltó, J. Orihuela, S. Troyanski and V. Zizler Strictly convex renormings.
J. London Math. Soc. (2) 75 647-658, (2007) - 24. A. Moltó, J. Orihuela, S. Troyanski and M. Valdivia Continuity properties up to a countable partition.
Rev. R. Acad. Cien. Serie A. Mat. Vol. 100 (1-2), 2006, pp. 279–294 - 23. F. García, L. Oncina, J. Orihuela and S. Troyanski Kuratowski's index of non-compactness and renorming in Banach spaces.
Journal of Convex Analysis Vol. 11 477-494, (2004) - 22. F. García, L. Oncina and J. Orihuela Network characterization of Gul'ko compact spaces and their relatives.
Journal Mathematical Analysis and Applications Vol. 297 791-811, (2004) - 21. B. Cascales, I. Namioka, M. Raja and J. Orihuela, Banach spaces and topology (II).
Encyclopedia of General Topology. Elsevier Science B. V. Editores: J.-I. Nagata, J. E. Vaughan and K. P. Hart. 2003 - 20. B. Cascales, I. Namioka, J. Orihuela and M. Raja, Banach
spaces (and topology) I.
Enc. General Topology Elsevier (2003) - 19. B. Cascales, I. Namioka and J. Orihuela, The Lindelöf property in Banach spaces.
Studia Math. 154 (2) (2003), 165-192 - 18. A. Moltó, J. Orihuela, S. Troyanski and M. Valdivia Midpoint locally uniformly rotundity and a decomposition method for renorming.
Quarterly. J. Math. Oxford Vol. 52 (3) 181–193 (2001) - 17. A. Moltó, J. Orihuela, S. Troyanski and M. Valdivia Kadec and Krein–Milman properties.
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Vol. 331 459-465, (2000) - 16. A. Moltó, J. Orihuela, S. Troyanski and M. Valdivia On weakly locally uniformly rotund Banach spaces.
J. Functional Analysis Vol. 163, 252-271 (1999) - 15. A. Moltó, V. Montesinos, J. Orihuela and S. Troyanski Weakly Uniformly Rotund Banach spaces.
Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae Vol. 39, 749-753 (1998) - 14. A. Moltó, J. Orihuela and S. Troyanski Locally uniformly rotund renorming and fragmentability.
Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 75 (1997), no. 3, 619–640 - 13. J. E. Jayne, J. Orihuela, A.J. Pallarés and G. Vera σ-fragmentability of multivalued maps and selection theorems*.
J. Functional Analysis Vol. 117 243-273, (1993) - 12. B. Cascales and J. Orihuela A sequential property of set-valued maps*.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Vol. 156, 86-100 (1991) - 11. B. Cascales and J. Orihuela, Countably determined locally convex spaces.
Port. Math. 48 (1991), 75-89 - 10. J. Orihuela, W. Schachermayer and M. Valdivia Every Radon-Nikodyn Corson compact space is Eberlein compact.
Studia Math. Vol. 98, 157-174 (1991) - 9. J. Orihuela, Sobre la categoría semi-convexa de hiperplanos y productos de espacios vectoriales topológicos de Baire.
Rev. Real Acad. Ciencias Exac. Fis. Nat. Madrid, Vol. 82, (1988), 425-438 - 8. B. Cascales and J. Orihuela, On pointwise and weak compactness in spaces of continuous functions.
Bull. Soc. Math. Belg. 40 (3) (1988), 331-352 - 7. J. Orihuela Pointwise compactness in spaces of continuous functions.
J. London Math. Soc. (2) 36 (1987), no. 1, 143–152 - 6. B. Cascales and J. Orihuela, On compactness in locally convex spaces.
Math. Z. 195, 365-381, (1987) - 5. B. Cascales and J. Orihuela, Metrizability of precompact subsets in (LF)-spaces.
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 103 (3-4) (1986), 293-299 - 4. J. Orihuela Sobre espacios semi-Suslin y espacios con red de tipo C.
Collectanea Math. Vol. 36, 447-452 (1986) - 3. J. Orihuela On the equivalence of weak and Schauder bases.
Arch. Math., Vol. 46, (1986), 447-452 - 2. J. Orihuela, Sobre la categoría semiconvexa de hiperplanos y productos de espacios de Baire
Rev. Real Acad. Ciencias Exac. Fis. Nat. Madrid, Vol 82, 425-438 (1988) - 1. A. Requena, J. A. Losana, J. Orihuela and F. Tomás, Aproximant for the dipole moment in diatomic molecules
Anales de Química RSEQ, Vol 72, 135-139 (1982)