Yepes Nicolás

home publications cv
  • List of Publications (last update: Feb 28)
  • On Rogers-Shephard type inequalities for the lattice point enumerator jointly with David Alonso Gutiérrez and Eduardo Lucas To appear in Commun. Contemp. Math. arXiv:2111.11533  preprint
    On discrete Lp Brunn-Minkowski type inequalities jointly with María A. Hernández Cifre and Eduardo Lucas Submitted arXiv:2105.11441  preprint
    On discrete Brunn-Minkowski and Isoperimetric type inequalities jointly with David Iglesias and Eduardo Lucas Discrete Math. 345 (1) (2022), 112640 preprint
    On Grünbaum type inequalities jointly with Francisco Marín Sola J. Geom. Anal. 31 (10) (2021), 9981-9995 preprint
    On the roots of polynomials with log-convex coefficients jointly with María A. Hernández Cifre and Miriam Tárraga To appear in Canad. J. Math. preprint
    Further inequalities for the (generalized) Wills functional jointly with David Alonso Gutiérrez and María A. Hernández Cifre Commun. Contemp. Math. 23 (3) (2021), Paper No. 2050011 arXiv:1912.07993  preprint
    Brunn-Minkowski type inequalities for the lattice point enumerator jointly with David Iglesias and Artem Zvavitch Adv. Math. 370 (2020), 107193 arXiv:1911.12874  preprint
    On a Brunn-Minkowski inequality for measures with quasi-convex densities Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 114 (3) (2020), Paper No. 122 preprint
    On a reverse isoperimetric inequality for relative outer parallel bodies jointly with Eugenia Saorín Gómez Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148 (11) (2020), 4923-4931 arXiv:1809.04051  preprint
    On Rogers-Shephard type inequalities for general measures jointly with David Alonso Gutiérrez, María A. Hernández Cifre, Michael Roysdon and Artem Zvavitch Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2021 (10) (2021), 7224-7261 arXiv:1809.04051  preprint
    On discrete Borell-Brascamp-Lieb inequalities jointly with David Iglesias Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 36 (3) (2020), 711–722 preprint
    On a discrete Brunn-Minkowski type inequality jointly with María A. Hernández Cifre and David Iglesias SIAM J. Discrete Math. 32 (3) (2018), 1840–1856 preprint
    Brunn-Minkowski inequalities in product metric measure spaces jointly with Manuel Ritoré Adv. Math. 325 (2018), 824–863 journal file (open access)
    Brunn-Minkowski and Prékopa-Leindler’s inequalities under projection assumptions jointly with María A. Hernández Cifre J. Math. Anal. Appl. 455 (2) (2017), 1257–1271 preprint
    Characterizing the volume via a Brunn-Minkowski type inequality In: G. Bianchi, A. Colesanti, P. Gronchi (eds), Analytic Aspects of Convexity. Springer INdAM Series 25, 103–120 preprint
    On characterizations of sausages via inequalities and roots of Steiner polynomials Adv. Geom. 17 (4) (2017), 441–452 preprint
    p-difference: A counterpart of Minkowski difference in the framework of the Firey-Brunn-Minkowski theory jointly with Antonio R. Martínez Fernández and Eugenia Saorín Gómez Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 110 (2) (2016), 613–631 preprint
    On a linear refinement of the Prékopa-Leindler inequality jointly with Andrea Colesanti and Eugenia Saorín Gómez Canad. J. Math. 68 (4) (2016), 762–783 arXiv:1503.08297  preprint
    On Brunn-Minkowski type inequalities for Polar Bodies jointly with María A. Hernández Cifre J. Geom. Anal. 26 (1) (2016), 143–155 preprint
    On the roots of generalized Wills μ-polynomials jointly with María A. Hernández Cifre Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 31 (2) (2015), 477–496 preprint
    Linearity of the Volume. Looking for a characterization of sausages jointly with Eugenia Saorín Gómez J. Math. Anal. Appl. 421 (2) (2015), 1081–1100 preprint
    Refinements of the Brunn-Minkowski inequality jointly with María A. Hernández Cifre J. Convex Anal. 21 (3) (2014), 727–743 preprint
    On properties for m-polynomials of unit p-balls Math. Ineq. Appl. 17 (3) (2014), 1171–1182 preprint
    On the roots of the Wills functional jointly with María A. Hernández Cifre J. Math. Anal. Appl. 401 (2013), 733–742 preprint
    Ph.D. Thesis digitum (university library)   draft (07/2014)